2014 in review – by WordPress

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 3,900 times in 2014. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 3 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

The manuscript of survival – part 432

by Aisha North

Aisha NorthLet us serve up some more information on the matter that you are all created from. For this is in every way all about matter, and about how this matter comes into being and indeed seemingly ceases to exist. For as you know already, this is in actual fact all about energy and of the transformation of such, for there is never anything that ceases to exist, it is simply transposed into another stage of being. In other words, what was once created will always BE, but it will never be the same for eternity. That goes for all of you, but it also goes for all of the stars on the firmament, and indeed, the very firmament itself. For the firmament is no such thing as “firm” or intransient, it is at all times a living organism fluctuating between the different stages of creation, going from “birth” to “death” and all of the stages in between simultaneously. And you are a part of this at all time fluctuating mass of matter, blinking in and out of “existence” – or rather – perception – on a regular basis.

For this Creation that you see before you is nothing more than an illusion, created of a myriad of dancing particles coming together to form different forms, whether that be of the gaseous, the liquid or the solid kind, and then, it will change back into its individual particles when the time is right for it to do so. And so, on and on it goes, and from as early as you can cast your minds back, mankind has been searching for that elusive template that can explain all of this in a logical manner. And so, you have searched ever outwards and the ever inwards as your abilities to reach further than your own inborn senses have allowed, and you have found much, but the more you discovered the more perplexed you became, for it became more and more clear to all that what you found merely confirmed that this answer was even better hidden than what you thought it was.

But now, you are indeed approaching a time in space that will bring you closer and closer to this secret, for now, you are beginning to become mature enough to seek in the right direction instead of sending off inquiries into all of the blind corners. For now, mankind stands before a golden age of true discoveries, discoveries that will not simply supply you with so many of the answers that you have searched for for eons, it will also supply you with the answers to questions you have not even thought to ask. And so we say, prepare yourselves for an age of discoveries that far surpasses anything you have ever experienced before, and where you will make those fabled quantum leaps in all areas of your lives, and you will not just do them once, you will do them repeatedly. For now, you will leave behind all of the outmoded models of thinking, and when you do that and allow the information to flow freely, not just for you as individuals but between you all as a collective, then you will truly begin to tap into that vast ocean of light that will literally sustain you forever. For then, you will not only dream of solutions to your problems in a very literal sense, you will also find a way to create them by allowing your individual resources to be pooled together in such a manner it will make all of the old inhibitions melt away. And with them, any restrictions as to what you as a species can be capable of will fall to the wayside, and you will rise again as the golden ones you really are.

For you are no longer the creatures of habit that you used to be, the ones that disallowed themselves from entering their own greatness, the ones that clung to the same old, same old in every aspect of their lives and through that, served to uphold and feed a form of civilization that was untenable for all, so too the very planet on which you live. For now, you have stepped away from that, and soon, you will step fully into your true roles as re-creators not just for yourselves, but your whole civilization in such a way, there will be little or no remnants left of the old, except perhaps in a museum here and there. For now, you stand poised before an age of expansion, and expansion that will bring with it more light, more space and more freedom for all. And it will be given freely to all, and there is no way that any of these gifts can be hoarded by a few. For you can have all that you need, but you will not be able to take more than you need, not at the expense of others, nor at the expense of the world in which you live in. And so, what you will begin to realize is that you have literally moved from an existence based on the archaic idea of lack, an idea that has only served to bring you all including your planet into a state of total imbalance, and now, you will begin to notice that you have moved fully into a state of being that is all about balance, because it is all about abundance for ALL.

Of course, this will not be apparent to all, neither will it become fully apparent to any of you from the very onset, for it takes time to readjust yourselves after eons of living in a very different atmosphere indeed. But this is what you have already created, and so, it will come to you, like drops of golden light that will slowly but surely permeate every single particle of your being. And yes, we do mean that in a very literal sense, for this change is one that occurs on a cellular level, by changing the very forces of nature that are the building blocks that your human body and indeed everything that surrounds you are made of. For you are all matter, matter made from the dynamic movement of energy, a dance of life, created from particles that again are created from energy interacting with itself in such a way, it begins to coalesce into the tiniest fragments of Creation, and these again come together to form atoms, molecules and then on and on until you stand there complete. As a human being, as a plant or a rock or a drop of water or what have you – you are all cut from the same cloth, the very fabric that everything in your universe is made from. And now, thanks to what you and so many like minded souls have taken upon you to do, this very fabric in itself has changed, because the very frequency it carries has been reset and retuned in such a way, everything that it again creates will be different from what it used to be.

For now, you are all singing to a very new tune, and this is the tune of abundance and light, and because of that, what you again create will all carry this same signature, the brand new signature of the brand New World, and through you, all of this new will come about. And so we say know that even if you will still hear the echoes of the past ringing in your ears, and even if you will still see the shimmering shadows of the old world paraded before your eyes, know that this is simply the remnants of the old vibrations fading away. Granted, they might linger on longer than you perhaps thought would be possible at this stage, but know that it is all fading away even as you yourselves will begin to feel more and more of your own new existence literally solidify into a tangible form that you will be able to see, feel, taste and touch instead of just detecting the energetic presence of it through your own heart. But again, know that this is indeed an ongoing process, one that will have to take the time it needs to take in order for everything and everyone to be able to fully function within it.

For this is not something that will be an “overnight sensation”, or rather, the energetic sensation of it will indeed be felt instantaneously by all, and for many of you, it has already been felt as a very tangible presence within, while for others, this new arrival has yet to make itself heard. But as a collective, it will take some time before it all literally sinks in all the way, or rather, before it fully emerges in all of its glory on all sides around you. So remember to check in with yourself every time you seem to be adrift on that old sea of despondency and despair, for it is merely the dying embers of yesteryear still casting its shadows over you from the theater of broken dreams still being played out on the outside. For we cannot repeat often enough that it is your inner vision you must hold on to, the one that will never fade away, the one that will only continue to grow bolder and more prominent as the days and weeks continue to unfold. For that is your true world now, and it will begin to materialize in so many ways now that you have finally decided to let go of the ever weakening illusion that used to be your old habitual haunts, but is now no more than a relic of the old and misguided intentions of mankind.

So step aside and let that bedraggled train of limiting thoughts pass you by, and instead step inside that golden chariot you have created for yourself, for that is the one that will allow you to serve your true purpose of helping the New to unfold fully by letting the very essence of your being take the driver’s seat. And this chariot will take you all away from the lower reaches and all the way into the lofty spheres that will enable you as a collective to make all your dreams literally come true – in every sense of the word and in every aspect of Creation. For remember, what you do, you do for ALL, and through you, the New Man, the New World and indeed the New Universe will be created from the vibration you have already set. For you have set the tune, and now, everything will fall into place like a magnificent orchestra creating a masterpiece of a symphony by allowing themselves to literally fall into step and tune with everyone else. And as a glorious collective you will rise from the ashes created by the very idea of separation, for in this, you will once again become ONE, not just with yourself, but with All of creation.

Beloved family of light!

Tomorrow will be the last day in a year that seems to have gone by in a flash, while at the same time it has been so full of transformative moments and profound experiences it feels as if it has contained more than a lifetime’s worth of powerful energetic shifts, magical encounters and incredible events. We have not yet exited 2014, but everything in me tells me that we have already stepped into the New – in every sense of the word as the CCs like to say. For as 2014 went by, we shed more and more of the old, and over the last few months we have been through such a deep transformation I can only liken it to a rebirth – of me, of you, of this Pond and the world we live in.

What a ride it has been, and what a joy it has been to take this ride by your side! One of the high points for me this year was to finally meet some of you face to face during that magical week in Crete , for then, I could see with my own eyes that what is taking place here at the Pond – and in this world – is real. For YOU are real, this is real, this community that we have created here is made up of living, breathing, shining souls, and together we will continue to make the world of our dreams become a reality. And I know in my heart of hearts that 2015 is the year when we will begin to see this New World literally come into life – and it will come into life because WE will make it happen.

As the Sun sets for the very last time in 2014, I will raise my glass in a toast for us all and for everything we have achieved this year. For we are the true pioneers, the ones who have chosen to “go where no man has gone before” by daring to step away from the old and allowing ourselves to begin to acknowledge our own greatness and to BE the Gods and Goddesses we really are. And I will raise my glass in a toast for everything we will achieve in the upcoming year. For our work is not over, but my heart is already singing with joy when I think about the magic we will create together in the days, the weeks and the months ahead.

What a blessing it is to be a part of this family of light, this wonderful collective of shining souls! Thank you all for BEing here at this moment in time, thank you for stepping into you, and for sharing that ever brightening light with us all! For without you, this Pond would not be the vibrant hub it is now, and without you, this world would not be changing the way it is changing.

I want to end this last message of 2014 by inviting you all to the very first Gathering around the Pond of 2015. For this upcoming Sunday, January 4, we get the chance to breathe even more life into the New World and to do it in the way that only we as a collective can do. I wish you all a wonderful, light-filled New Year, and hopefully I will have to chance to meet you all in person soon. Until then, I send my love, my joy and my gratitude all wrapped up in a warm winter hug from me to every single one of you. You are amazing – WE are amazing, and this world is going to become even more amazing than we can imagine because we are all here and we will do all we can to make it so.

With all my love – always, forever

Aisha ❤


The following is an extract from Celia Fenn’s forthcoming book, “The Indigo-Crystal Adventure”. which explains more about the metaphysical aspects of the Indigo-Crystal experience.



The Indigo and Crystal children that come to the planet are known as “starchildren”. Often this is because their souls are more at home in the stars, and they have not incarnated on Earth before. They come at this time as a “special assignment” team to assist Earth and her inhabitants with their transition and rebirth as a higher dimensional “New Earth”.

But while these beings appear like ordinary human beings, they do in fact have access to a greater range of human potential. They are more open to who they are, closer to a recognition of their divine origins and essence.

Indigo children are born onto the Indigo Soul Ray of Incarnation and Evolution. This means they have access to the gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are also able to access what may be termed the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions of Consciousness, while most humans have access only to the Third and Fourth. This Higher Dimensional access, together with the Indigo Ray soul gifts, means that Indigos are naturally more intelligent, more sensitive and more clairvoyant. They are also creative, and often able to access the left and right brains with ease, making them artistically gifted, but also technologically competent and adventurous.

The Crystal children, on the other hand, are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution. They are born on the Sixth Dimension of Consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the Ninth Dimensional level of Full Christ Consciousness, and then from there to the Thirteenth Dimension which represents Universal Consciousness.

With these gifts and abilities, Crystal beings are immensely powerful and creative. Many of them carry the Gold and Magenta Rays, which makes them masters of creation, especially with light and sound. This manifests as artistic and musical creativity on the Earth plane. Those who carry the Indigo-Silver Ray, are also gifted as the “mothers” and “goddesses” of the planet, and carry the feminine vibration of healing and nurturing. Those on the Red-Gold Ray, on the other hand, carry the masculine vibration of manifestation and are often the leaders in the more active sense.

The Future Crystal child will be known as a “Rainbow Crystal” being. This is the fully developed Thirteen Dimensional Universal Human Being, able to carry and transmit all the Rays of Incarnation and Evolution within their vibrational field. There are Rainbow Crystal beings already on planet Earth, but they are yet to open into their full potential.

The exciting thing about these evolutionary developments, for ordinary people, is that the Indigo and Crystal beings bring these vibrations to the planet in order to share them with others. By their very presence, they assist others to move into these new vibrations and open up to their full potential as well. The Indigo-crystal gift to the planet is the gift of Evolution and access to our full potential, for every human being on the planet today, if they so choose.

At this point, many people who are allowing this shift or transition within their own auric fields, have moved from their original Third Dimensional state of awareness into the Indigo and then the Crystal states, with the assistance of the children who hold the vibration. These adults are now able to hold the Gold Ray of Evolution in their Eighth chakras, and are helping to create a matrix for the creation of the New Earth. This pulsating Gold light can be clearly seen in their auras by those with clairvoyance and the ability to perceive auric colours.

The Human Angel

One of the gifts of this transitional process, is that Humans are becoming aware of who they truly are: that they are Spirits in Human bodies, and that they are, in other words, Angels in human form.

We have been aware of our connections to the higher realms for many thousands of years, but have always felt that out “human” and material state somehow “shut” us off from our angelic inheritance. We would speak about our “Higher Self”, knowing that we had access to this aspect of ourselves, but somehow it was not quite a part of who we were, and could only be accessed in meditation.

Part of the reason for this was that our physical forms were locked into the Third Dimension, but our Higher or Angelic self was of a much finer and higher vibration and was more at home in the Higher Dimensions. So there was always a “gap” between the material manifestation of the human body and consciousness and the spiritual reality.

Now, however, with the vibrational shift that the planet is experiencing, which is aptly called “Ascension”, the Earth and her inhabitants have the opportunity to “ascend” from the Third Dimension of consciousness upwards into the Higher Dimensions. As the consciousness ascends higher, the spiritual world comes closer, until there is no longer a “gap” but a continuum that is termed “Multi-Dimensional Consciousness”.

In this state, the human being is able to access both the material and spiritual realms with ease. There is no longer any need for intense meditation, since the access to the spirit realm is immediate and evident. People in the Multi-Dimensional state have accessed their Angelic presence or state, and recognize themselves as Spirit beings or Angels who also have a human body and are able to function in the material plane as material beings.

At this point, the Higher Self and the Lower self can be said to have blended, and the Human being is now a Human Angel.

The Human Angel is constantly aware of themselves as Angelic and as Powerful and Creative. They have no time or need for things such as fear and victim dramas. Their time is better spent in creating the kind of reality in which they would be happy and content.

Many Indigo and crystal children are already almost at this point of awareness, if not fully within it. As are many of the Indigo-Crystal adults who have made the transition to this state. It is these new beings, able to claim both their human and angelic inheritances, who will create the New Earth.

It is important to state, at this point, that it is imperative that those who make the transition into awareness of their angelic selves, be also aware of how important it is to be human and to be well grounded in the material dimensions or planes. The whole point of the Transition is to bring “Heaven” to “Earth”, and not to drift away into some ungrounded paradise state.

For Human Angels there is work to do. Creating a New Earth that will bring Heaven to Earth. And since “heaven” is not so much a place as a state of consciousness, these Human Angels must work to bring the higher dimensional states of consciousness to the Earth plane. Once this is achieved, then a planetary culture will be birthed that will respect all beings as manifestations of the Divine Essence. And this culture will reflect that respect in its peace, harmony and creativity.

The Nature of Multi-Dimensionality

Until fairly recently, all humans born on Earth were born as Third Dimensional beings. This means that they were fully in the material plane or realm, and their consciousness was “locked” into the Third Dimension. They functioned on the first three chakras, the material, the emotional and the mental. Where there was spirituality, it was usually seen as something outside or other than normal every day functioning.

The Third Dimensional being is aware of him or herself as a separate and unique individual. There is no real sense of the unity or oneness of consciousness that is a factor of higher dimensional consciousness. Because of this sense of separation, humans have built a society that has very little awareness of the interconnectedness of beings and actions. And because of this lack of awareness, humans have created a planet of sorrow and suffering, where individuals see no need to be responsible for their thoughts, feelings and actions. Fear of not surviving on the individual level, because of lack of resources, has led to greed and imbalances that need to be addressed in order to create a stable planetary home for all humans.

The Indigo children arrived with the key to multi-dimensionality. They were born into Third Dimensional bodies, but their consciousness was effectively in the Fourth Dimension and capable of moving into the Fifth. When this “wave” of Indigo consciousness arrived on the planet in the early 1970s, the way was opened for all humans and the planet itself to shift into the Fourth Dimension.

At the Fourth Dimensional level of Consciousness, humans become aware of the Universal Law of One, otherwise known as “Unity Consciousness”. This Law states that we are all One, we are all connected and that whatever affects one of us affects all of us. Indigo children carry this awareness in their consciousness, and it leads them to be warriors for many causes that will heal the Earth and stop humans from destroying and polluting their environment and harming other humans.

The Law of One also fosters the understanding in Indigo beings that we are all equal, and that no one is greater than any other. This group consciousness and group awareness is the path to the future for humans. We will learn to function co-operatively and for the good of all if we are to create the New Earth that we desire.

Indigos respect the talents and abilities of each individual, but these talents do not make any one greater than anyone else. The play of ego and self-importance has no real place in the life of an Indigo.

When an Indigo awareness opens into the Fifth Dimension, it becomes aware of itself as a Creator. Fifth Dimensional awareness loves to create. All the religious belief systems and the economic systems on Earth today are Fifth Dimensional Though Form creations that we hold in place by our continued support of these thought forms. They form a Fifth Dimensional grid around the Earth. Most lower- dimensional beings are completely unaware that their thoughts and behavior patterns are being controlled from this level.

When the Indigo awareness opens to this level, there is often a rejection of all belief systems and a consciousness of the freedom to create new and alternative ways of thinking and being. The Indigo person takes on the planetary mission of creating and bringing in new ways of thinking and being for Planet Earth. But, at this level the consciousness is still concerned with dualities of “good” and “bad”, that determine what kind of system is best for Earth. The next step in consciousness is to move beyond duality and into a realm where all is seen as part of the greater good and for the good of the greater whole.

This advanced state is known as Sixth Dimensional Consciousness, and is the realm of the Christed Child or Magical Child. All Crystal children are born into this level of awareness. They have immediate access to the magical and spiritual aspects of who they are, and are able to blend imagination and creation in fantastic and joyous ways. If they were left to their own devices, they would immediately create a magical planet. But, they still have to deal with a largely Third Dimensional consciousness, and they struggle with the patterns and behaviors that they find here.

When an adult Indigo consciousness makes the shift into the Crystal state or awareness, they enter into Sixth Dimensional awareness and the Christ Consciousness seed. They are rebirthed, in consciousness, as a Christed or Magical child. With this comes an awareness of the playfulness of life, and the play of Spirit through human beings on this planet. Then all life is seen as magical and blessed, and all life is directed and advanced through the work of spirit. At this point, the being understands the principle of surrender to the flow of the greater evolutionary wave, while still exercising the right to be a creator on the individual level.

The Crystal consciousness, when it has matured enough at this level, can then move into the Seventh Dimensional level, where awareness opens onto the nature of the spiritual mission of the being. A Crystal or Christed adult at this level is ready to take on a planetary mission as a carrier of higher dimensional consciousness to others. The work may involve teaching and healing on a grand scale, or it may simply be to carry the energy in the auric field so that others may access the higher vibrations in their own upwards ascension path.

The Crystal child and adult now carry the potential to open fully to the Ninth level or Full Christ Consciousness. This incorporates the Eighth level, or Archetypal level, where the being has full control over the “story” of their life on earth, and the Ninth level, where the being assumes full responsibility for stewardship of the Planet.

The potential then exists for the being to continue on the journey to the Tenth level, where the being accesses his or her Solar System responsibilities; the Eleventh level, where the Galactic level of consciousness is accessed and finally the Twelfth level, where the Gold Ray of Universal Consciousness inaugurates the being as a Full Universal Being. The Thirteenth level represents the Master, who enters into the Divine Mystery as a fully conscious spark of the Divine Creative Essence.

An Evolutionary Leap

As can be seen from the above discussion, the Indigo-Crystal adventure represents a huge evolutionary leap for the human species. This is initially a huge leap in consciousness, reflected in the auric colours and the access to multi-dimensional layers of awareness in an individual.

But, what is manifest in the subtle or spiritual bodies must eventually make itself manifest in the physical or Earth plane body of each individual. And eventually, in the physical body of the Planet itself. Indigo and Crystal children and adults are an integral and dynamic part of the evolutionary leap into a new and Golden future.

Higher levels of consciousness, awareness of the interconnectedness of all things and a desire for an empowered and creative life will soon become the characteristics of all humans on Planet Earth.

The information shared above is from

Starchild: The Website for Indigo and Crystal Children and Adults and Starseeds

The information shared and compiled on the Starchild website comes from Celia Fenn , Kate Spreckley and Jose and Ines Correia.


Oracle Report – Tuesday, December 30, 2014

First Quarter Moon Phase: action and expression

Moon in Taurus

Ruling Wisdom Goddess: Kali (The Destroyer)

Skill: hold the line (keep emotions and reactions stabilized)

Negative Imprint: unfinished business, wallowing in failure, manipulation, irresponsibility, avoidance, not taking the important things seriously, limitations

Positive Imprint: polishing or smoothing out edges, reunion, bridging distance, accuracy, attention to what we value, effervescent spirit, courage

Sabian Symbol for Lunar Month: an Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe

Wise owls go into tight huddle to hold the line as energies that will be in full force this weekend begin to enter.

In the audio recording overview for this lunar month, Kali the Destroyer’s month, I discussed how things would become hardcore.  This is very seriously ramping up in advance of the Sun making a square to Uranus and then making a conjunction with Pluto this Saturday, January 3, 2015 – the eve of the Full Moon.  Conflict, divide and conquer tactics, and megalomania have been building since the New Moon back on December 21st.

People are taking on the mantle of power that is implied with the Sabian symbol for this lunar month, “an Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe.”  People take it too far with aspects of the Sun, Uranus, and Pluto.  We see effects of the archontic divide and conquer campaign rippling through the collective, as people are being manipulated to stand against one another.  Good-hearted people are becoming disillusioned.

We don’t fall for the trap, though.  We see right through “divide and conquer.”  There is orchestration behind the scenes to create chaos and destabilization.  But humans aren’t enemies to each other.  It is not our true nature.  Everyone is held accountable, but we understand that there is another force at work to take us off course and we do not take the bait.  We hold the line as things spin out of control.

The conflict in energies plays out today between a desire for an overall lightness of being and deeper feelings of disappointment and emptiness.  Changes are trying to occur, and this interplay of duality helps us come to terms with the truth of matters.

Along with this today, we tend to focus heavily on our perceived failures.  We are already hard on ourselves with this theme now that the Black Moon has moved into Virgo (fear of failure), so we will remember that what we think of as failure is really a teacher.  Free yourself from illusion.  Reconnect with what is available and possible.  Take a gentler approach.

It’s helpful to know that new foundations, bases, and structures are beginning to take shape.  Things are emerging as we come to terms with the true worth of things.  We are coming to understand more about inner worth with the energy to reclaim personal power and sovereignty this month.  Opportunities abound.

As these strong energies of change and transformation swirl, we remain grounded like a pole in the ground – a strong tree!  Trees are havens for owls.  When you see trees today, remember that we are just as connected to Mother Earth as the trees.  Reinforce that connection and hold the line.

Thank you for supporting the Oracle Report.  Blessings to all!

Elder’s Meditation of the Day December 30

“Always remember that the Great Mystery is good; evil can come only from ourselves!” –Grandmother of Charles Eastman. SANTEE SIOUX

The Great Mystery is love, good, and principle. He is a guiding Father. He doesn’t play games. He knows only how to love. Sometimes, when things go wrong, we blame Him or others. Usually, if we are honest, we can see how decisions or things done in the past put us in a position to be hurt. It comes back to us. When this happens, it is not something the Creator caused, but something we, ourselves caused. Most of our problems are of our own making. When this happens, we should correct what we’ve done, ask the Great Spirit for forgiveness, and pray for guidance in the future.

My Creator, bless me with Your good.

Elder Doug’s Words

doug-luzar-danceDance to BEcome your True self, to merge with others Be-coming. We are All here Now, for a particular purpose. Dance to Re-Member. Joining us all Together, the various members of One Body. Dance a Dance of BEauty. Dance Your Truth. Dance Your Joy. Dance Your Love. Let Your feet touch lightly as You Dance Your Healing into the Earth. Spin like a Dervish. Jump like a Child. Attach some Hawk Bells to Your ankles as You Dance. Use a Rattle or a Drum. Make a WonderFilled Joy-of-Us Noise. The Voices of Earth and Sky, meet together in your Heart. Hear what they have to say. Follow where they will lead. Seeing is more than meets the eye. Listening hears with more than ears. Love Travels between the Worlds, like Sweetgrass and Music. Deepen Your Laugh and Smile lines, they are Beauty. Drink Deeply of the Magic of Life!! Keep Dancin!!!! Doug Luzar – Facebook

Galactic White Brotherhood – Reconnecting with your Inner Child – Sanat Kumara

Posted on December 29, 2014 by JennySchiltz

Jenny-SchiltzJust as in the Northern hemisphere day light will increase daily in increments, so to will your capacity to hold light. With every releasing of thoughts and behaviors that no longer serve, you will be able to hold more light. This process is both unconscious and conscious. Your active participation in clearing your vehicle of past held thoughts and beliefs is very helpful. It speeds the process and helps your life be more of your creation. It is also unconscious as those who are unaware of this process are also releasing. For those their lives may appear to be in complete turmoil as those aspects that need releasing and healing will be brought to the forefront time and time again until conscious change is sought. This will also happen to those aware of the process but unaware of an aspect that needs healing. We ask that you pay attention to patterns that emerge. It is in these patterns that you will find clues to what needs to be addressed and healed deep within your psyche. Now more than ever it is important for you to be aware and present. Be in touch with your highest guidance by staying in your heart space. Look at all behavior, thoughts, and actions not from a place of judgement but from the place of the observer. In this way you will clearly be given clues to aspects that need changing, blocks that need releasing, and parts of your psyche that need healing.

Many of you may be experiencing flashes of memories from your childhood. These are very important and need to be noted. Old programming is often created in childhood and adolescence. As you aged, you piled layers of top of the initial place where you were taught to believe something contrary to your soul’s truth. Many of you are now down to that core essence, your inner child if you will. Healing of this aspect is important. It is in embracing and loving that child that you will find you are healed and your joy for life will return. If you are fortunate enough to be near children, let them guide you with their easy laugh and smile. Find that place within you again. If you are not near children, go to where children play, and soak in their energy and laughter. Remember a time when you too felt free, when you too knew exactly how loved and special you are. This is what we want you to recapture. It is in this essence of the inner child that you will find your true self. We are asking you to undo all that time has done, all that duality has done and return to the heart of a child. It is in this space that you will be able to find and keep joy. It is also in this space that you will able to create a new world for yourself.

The first week in January holds a special planetary alignment. The energies from this alignment will be available for a few days before the 4th and a few days after. This gateway can help you expand your soul growth. Much like your New Years intentions we ask that you focus on what you would like for your 2015 year. While your focus will be as individual as each of you, we ask that you include reconnecting with your inner child. This work is of great importance. During this gateway, the planets alignment, will help to bring things to the forefront that need changing, releasing, and healing. That which you have not given proper attention to or are unaware of will be magnified. It will be as if a spot light will be placed on thoughts and behaviors so that they can be clearly seen. While this can be unsettling, even painful, it is a gift. It allows for rapid growth if you are willing to be observant and non-judgemental of what is no longer in your highest good. The more you are able to let go of and heal, the more you will be able to access your inner child, who holds the keys to your highest self. To embody your highest self completely is to have a joyful loving heart and to understand that all is always working out as it should. Once you reach this understanding that all is in your highest good, you are embracing all that you are. You will see this life experience through the eyes of a child, full of adventure and hope. 2015 will bring much soul expansion for those that have done the intense, sometimes exhausting work to leave duality and judgement behind.

You have made large strides in returning to unity and love. We hope that you feel as excited as we are about the changes taking place within the collective. Each of you that has done the work and hold vast amount of light are making a large impact on all around you. Know this as truth in your heart. Don’t look outside yourself for validation of the world-changing and the light increasing, for you are the creator of your world.

With high regards,

Sanat Kumara


The REbirth of the Divine Male in TRUTH

by Karen Dover  
As the energies now expand us into new realities and new experiences many may be undergoing a “searching” within, a search if you will for the “missing” part of SELF.  There is much disinformation within the old 3D earth created reality construct and none more so than the information and material presented in support of the divine female. The old 3D earth created construct seeks to separate at ALL levels of BEing and this is done in a multitude of different ways. It may for example appear that both human males and human females speak the same language but their interpretation of it is different. It is therefore not TRUTH to assume that a human male sees the outer waking world the same as you do if you have taken human female form and vice versa. The teachings that are taught so deeply to human males and human females in relation to what it means to be a human male or human female begin as soon as we are born upon this planet.  With the teachings continually reinforced by the unwritten rules of the outer waking old 3D earth reality construct.

So it is with “mother ” earth, the planet is neither male nor female, the planet JUST IS. The distortion that is presented with the teaching of “mother” and what the word implies further triggers and anchors the teachings that are taught to us as a race.  Each being alive on this planet is made up of both male and female energies, these must be brought into balance and harmony WITHIN us. It is the balance that is now trying to anchor deep within the human race and that many will reject. The “divine feminine” is seen as a nurturing “loving” energy whilst male energy is seen as harsh. Again this is seeking to anchor the teachings in relation to human males and male energy.

The feminine is seen is soft and loving and the male aggressive. This is not TRUTH and the balance of the divine male must be embraced. The male energy has been kept off this planet deliberately for the strength in physical creation is born through the MALE energies that are within us.  We can be as creative as we wish but we need to embrace the MALE energy to push the creativity out into the waking world.  Human males are “set up” to fall within the old 3D earth created construct, we are taught that it is the human male who is pushing the wars on this planet, it is the human male who is out of control and that simply by anchoring more female energy we will somehow soften this.

It is fractured FEMALE energy that has been anchored upon this planet, the energy seeking at all times to punish the male energy, this is seen throughout human relationships with the human male locked out emotionally at many levels of this human life experience.  Human males are separated from their children, they are separated from their loved ones on all levels in a variety of ways. At the moment many teachings are seeking the human male simply to embrace more of the female energies and this will somehow save him. Human males at this time are asked to stand in the LOVE that IS and shine and radiate this energy throughout their being, to embrace the MALE energy within them that they are taught to reject within the old 3D earth created construct.

Many human males walk in shame of being male, they look out onto the world and see what is happening and feel they are somehow responsible as the old 3D earth created construct lays the blame for everything wrong in this world at the feet of male energy. This seeks to filter out the role of the FRACTURED female energy who seeks revenge from the male energy. This is played out through much of the spiritual teachings and seeks to keep many females and males in fear of male energy in whatever form it may take.

As the human vehicle is made up of a BALANCE of both male and female energies then this balance must be sought and anchored. This seeks to create the wholeness that the old 3D earth created construct seeks to teach us to look out with for. To search for someone to complete us is an illusion, we were never complete for we were only ever taught to align with one part of our energetic make up. There is much disinformation about loving of SELF, we cannot allow ourselves to be whole when we dismiss or filter out part of our own energetic make up.  The outer waking reality that is projected around us BY US is now changing but it is being held in place where this imbalance is held. Therefore for any of you who are in a holding pattern I would guide you to look at your belief around male energy.

We have taken both human male and human male form and this is the beginning of the illusion that is presented to us for LOVE JUST IS and it knows no separation, to view another as male or female is to miss the whole picture. When we can look at each other as human BEINGS without looking to the reference points we have been given at how to interact with the “male” or “female” version of human that stands before us then we are almost ready then to expand further and to allow this expansion to continue.

The release will begin whether we are “ready” or not for the world was originally created in BALANCE, within the garden of eden originally Adam and Eve did not look to each other and see any separation this occurred later on. It is this that is filtered out also, there is in TRUTH no separation this was taught to us as a race and we have fought to keep hold of this belief for eternity. We do this by the referencing of others through age, race, sex etc and this is now dissolving for these reference points are not TRUTH.

The only difference between a human male and a human female in TRUTH is the human vehicle itself, all else is learned and has been TAUGHT and it is this that seeks to dissolve now. As a result of this our human relationships will undergo massive re-balancing and expansion.  This allows us to embrace UNITY, when we see our fellow humans as a reflection of the LOVE that IS. Until this point we are walking within the teachings of an old reality that now is dissolving and is pulling many out of balance. To let go of the teachings is to gain equilibrium at the core of your Being, from this all else flows and can be built from.

At this time we are asked to let go fully and allow the deep cleansing and healing that seeks to bring us back to balance to be revealed to us in TRUTH. For ALL JUST IS and WE ARE.

“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.


Mayan Messages – USE TIME WISELY

USE TIME WISELY Discover the priorities in your life and arrange your daily schedule to fit what is important into your lifestyle. Begin to filter out relationships and events that drain your energy and expend your time.

Some of you spend all of your time in service to humanity; make sure you take time to refresh yourself, as well. Pay attention to your idle words and what you do with your recreational time, for both have a huge impact on the world.

It is not only what you do that is important, what you don’t do can be of equal importance. By saying “no” to the things that weigh you down, you will open doors of opportunity to say “yes” to things that will energize you and be of importance to the world.

Begin today by looking at your schedule. Where best can you spend your time? Invite your Higher Self and Spirit Guides for assistance in freeing your time to do those things that bring you balance and inner peace. Selamet! Cauac 2

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 119 at: http://mayanmessages.wordpress.com/days-118-130 Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree